Plastics Industry supported clean-ups after KZN floods

KwaZulu Natal received approximately 400mm of rainfall in a period of 24-hours on during April 2022 which is approximately 75% of the average annual precipitation. Consequently, floods hit the province and caused extensive damage to homes, businesses and public infrastructure. This catastrophic phenomenon left a trail of destruction and pain on families and communities that will last for years to come.

The floods further added pressure on the already struggling waste management system in the province, as chemical and solid waste leaked into the ocean and also swamped the beaches and rivers in the coastal areas. In response to this, the plastics industry, coordinated by Plastics SA, is working with existing partnerships in the Durban area to remove the solid waste and restore waste management facilities affected by the flood water such as buy-back centers, fish line bins and litter booms.

The teams focused on the Umgeni River catchment, the harbour areas and the South Coast of Durban.