27 years of Clean-ups

Plastics SA is proud to announce its 27th year of coordinating South Africa’s active participation in the International Coastal Clean-up Day (ICC), taking place at beaches across the country and around the world on Saturday, 16 September 2023, which will also be World Clean-Up Day.

This year the Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week will again feature numerous clean-ups on beaches, at rivers, water sources and in communities and neighbourhoods around the country. Highlights of the week include National River Clean-up Day on Wednesday, 13 September and National Recycling Day SA on Friday, 15 September. The culmination of the week’s activities will be on Saturday, 16 September, when South Africans from all walks of life come together for International Coastal Clean-up Day and World Clean-up Day!

Plastics SA has increased the number of yellow refuse bags to an impressive 700,000, ensuring that the industry and coordinators of clean-ups can make a substantial impact on cleaning up our beaches and rivers. Clean-up champions in Gauteng and Mpumalanga will also be recognized and rewarded with essential clean-up tools i.e. bags, gumboots, gloves, rakes and other equipment needed to clean the local environment, roadsides and rivers.

South Africa is facing a waste crisis, and every citizen can make a difference to reduce the amount of litter that pollutes our environment or ends up in landfill. As far as possible, we try to ensure that the clean-ups that we support are audited and that volunteers register online on our www.cleanupandrecycle.co.za website. This allows us to build a detailed snapshot of the waste landscape in the country, the number of people who participated, and how we as an industry can respond and provide support to community initiatives.

During the entire month of September, Plastics SA, with the support of raw material suppliers, converters, retailers, brand owners, packaging streams, Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO’s), various sponsors, national and local government entities, community organizations and municipalities will be conducting clean-ups in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of effective waste management and recycling. This collective effort underscores the importance of collaborative action in addressing environmental challenges. We encourage South Africans from all walks of life to make a difference where they work, live, learn or play this September by participating in or coordinating a clean-up in order to create a cleaner, greener South Africa. Together, we can make a lasting difference!

For more information about Plastics SA and the Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week, please visit www.plasticsinfo.co.za or www.cleanupandrecycle.co.za