The first school to benefit from Plastics SA’s sponsorship of a Captain Fanplastic education box in 2025 was Westlake Primary School, in the Western Cape.  This  education box contains educational material, teacher guides and other tools to teach the learners at this school about caring for our beautiful environment. And who better to do this than Captain Fanplastic and his  merry team!

Captain Fanplastic raises environmental literacy amongst youth globally through experiential education that drives behavioural change in order to connect children more to their environment, prevent plastic pollution and better manage waste. #NoTrashButTreasure

Through school programmes, pop-up storytelling events and gamified cleanups, they aim to build a society of active citizens that demonstrate compassion towards the environment, apply circular thinking and contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 4, 6, 11, 12, 13 & 14.

Their big hairy audacious Pirate Goal is to turn 1 000 000 learners into plastic pirates by 2030! Plastics SA looks forward to being part of this fanplastic plan!

We look forward to the learners from Westlake Primary School becoming environmental stewards in their homes and communities, protecting nature and changing behaviour!