Although the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures that have been put in place by Government have been focus areas of the majority of the chemical sector as well as most others, while trying to ensure business continuity and sustainability, CAIA continues to provide support in a number of other areas of policy and legislation. The consideration of climate change-related policy and legislation remains a priority.
Members were alerted to calls being made by CAIA and other sectors for a deferment of Carbon Tax liability, and work is underway to request further deferment to that already granted by Government (currently up to 31 October 2020). A letter from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is attached that provides further information on the deferment arrangements. While outstanding Carbon Tax legislation and administrative processes are being engaged on with the National Treasury (NT), the continued development of policy towards a lower carbon economy must continue to be considered in light of business sustainability and the contributions that can be made to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
On 2 June 2020, CAIA recently updated members on Climate Change-related policy developments at the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, and recently, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy presented its Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025 (attached) to Parliament that contains statements of targets and regulatory frameworks that will be developed to respond to the need to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector. In the financial sector, a shift in financing coal-based projects is already taking place, and engagements have been held on sustainable financing that have resulted in the NT releasing a draft Technical Paper and recommendations on the matter (attached for comment).
As a part of its support package, CAIA is actively responding to climate change-related policy development and encourages members to participate in discussions that will continue to be hosted by CAIA to increase all aspects of the sector’s sustainability, given the pressures being faced economically, socially and environmentally.
Please indicate your interest in becoming a member of this workgroup by 15 June 2020. Email