Our “Hints & Tips for recycling around the home” video series make recycling at home easy!

Each year, the local plastics industry encourages citizens to make a difference where they live, work, learn or play by participating in clean-ups around the country, throughout the year, but especially during Clean-up and Recycle SA Week – an annual public awareness week during which plastics and other litter are removed from our country’s neighbourhoods, rivers, streams, beaches and oceans.

This campaign runs from August, through to December, creating awareness in a fun way, of the need to protect our environment from plastic pollution.  For more information on Clean-up and Recycle Week, visit and GET INVOLVED IN A CLEAN-UP NEAR YOU.

The importance of something being “Fit for Purpose” is one of the key concepts of success in our modern world today. It describes the way in which a product or service is able to meet the specific demands for which it was selected or created.

Lightweight, yet strong. Durable, yet easily disposable and recyclable. Versatile, economical and convenient, virtually every area of our lives depend on plastics to make it more efficient, cost-effective and easier.  For this reason, Plastics|SA has developed a  marketing and advertising campaign entitled “Fit for Purpose”.

The Power of Plastics

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

It is a fact that our modern lives would be virtually impossible without the use of plastics. Almost every sector or industry relies on plastics to make life easier, safer and more convenient. Plastics give us reliable performance at an affordable price. Think about the many applications of plastics in the healthcare environment, automotive industry, technology, building and construction and mining.

2024 Advertising campaigns highlighting the need to avoid litter entering the marine environment included the Save-a-Fishie sponsorship, activations with Captain Fanplastic at 4 schools in the Western Cape and our Clean-up and Recycle Campaign.

Education is of the utmost importance in changing behaviour in a society.  Plastics|SA’s series of articles in Minimag Educational Magazine reaches learners from all sectors of South Africa, teaching about the importance of our environment in a fun and memorable way!